Gerona Airport (GRO) Airport Statistics

Key Flight Statistics

No. of Flights (Mar 2024)
No. Countries (Mar 2024)
No. Routes (Mar 2024)
No. Airlines (Mar 2024)

Gerona Airport Passenger Data

How many passengers fly in to or out of Gerona Airport per year ?
1,586,463 passengers flew in or out of Gerona Airport in 2023 representing an increase of 26.69% when compared to 2022 (1,252,283).
How many passengers fly in or out of Gerona Airport every month?
53,714 passengers flew in or out of Gerona Airport in March 2024 representing an increase of 98.89% when compared to March 2023 (27,007).

Gerona Airport Monthly Passenger Comparison


Flights to Gerona Airport Month by Month

How many flights took off or landed at Gerona Airport in March 2024?

A total of 404 flights took off or landed Gerona Airport in March 2024

Which countries have flights to or from Gerona Airport?


Which airlines operate flights to or from Gerona Airport?


Which destinations have flight connections with Gerona Airport?


Gerona Airport Destinations and Operating Airlines


International Destinations and Operating Airlines at Gerona Airport


Gerona Airport Domestic Destinations and Operating Airlines


Gerona Airport Arrivals - Flight Status Analysis (March 2024)

On time: Arrived before or at the scheduled time. Late: 1 mins to 2hrs 59mins. Very Late: 3hrs+. Cancelled:Cancelled before arriving.
The above information has been taken from a variety of web sources and we strongly urge all users of this data to check official sources at Gerona Airport.

Gerona Airport Arrivals - Airliner Status Analysis (March 2024)

On time: Arrived before or at the scheduled time. Late: 1 mins to 2hrs 59mins. Very Late: 3hrs+. Cancelled:Cancelled before arriving.
The above information has been taken from a variety of web sources and we strongly urge all users of this data to check official sources at Gerona Airport.

Delayed/Cancelled Flight Compensation Calculator

Gerona Airport Statistics: Frequently Asked Questions

How many passengers fly in or out of Gerona Airport every month?
53,714 passengers flew in or out of Gerona Airport in March 2024 representing an increase of 98.89% when compared to March 2023 (27,007).
How many passengers fly in to or out of Gerona Airport per year ?
1,586,463 passengers flew in or out of Gerona Airport in 2023 representing an increase of 26.69% when compared to 2022 (1,252,283).
How many passengers flew in to or out of Gerona Airport in March 2024
53,714 passengers flew in to or out of Gerona Airport in March 2024
How many passengers flew in to or out of Gerona Airport in February 2024
25,597 passengers flew in to or out of Gerona Airport in February 2024
How many passengers flew in to or out of Gerona Airport in January 2024
28,152 passengers flew in to or out of Gerona Airport in January 2024
How many passengers flew in to or out of Gerona Airport in December 2023
32,478 passengers flew in to or out of Gerona Airport in December 2023
How many passengers flew in to or out of Gerona Airport in November 2023
31,674 passengers flew in to or out of Gerona Airport in November 2023
How many passengers flew in to or out of Gerona Airport in October 2023
190,289 passengers flew in to or out of Gerona Airport in October 2023
How many passengers flew in to or out of Gerona Airport in September 2023
265,186 passengers flew in to or out of Gerona Airport in September 2023
How many passengers flew in to or out of Gerona Airport in August 2023
289,138 passengers flew in to or out of Gerona Airport in August 2023
How many passengers flew in to or out of Gerona Airport in July 2023
284,693 passengers flew in to or out of Gerona Airport in July 2023
How many passengers flew in to or out of Gerona Airport in June 2023
224,486 passengers flew in to or out of Gerona Airport in June 2023
How many passengers flew in to or out of Gerona Airport in May 2023
122,918 passengers flew in to or out of Gerona Airport in May 2023
How many passengers flew in to or out of Gerona Airport in April 2023
90,800 passengers flew in to or out of Gerona Airport in April 2023
How many flights took off or landed at Gerona Airport in March 2024?
A total of 404 flights took off or landed Gerona Airport in March 2024
Which countries have flights to or from Gerona Airport?
The following countries have flights to or from Gerona Airport: United Kingdom, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Poland, Switzerland, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Morocco, Netherlands, Portugal
Which airlines operate flights to or from Gerona Airport?
The following airlines operate flights to or from Gerona Airport: Ryanair, Flightline, Jet2, VistaJet, Air Charter Scotland, Swiss Air-Ambulance, Valair, SprintAir, Platoon Aviation, ProAir Aviation, Hibernian Airlines
Which destinations have flight connections with Gerona Airport?
The following destinations have flight connections with Gerona Airport: Malaga, Birmingham, Leeds, London, Manchester, Dublin, Knock, Shannon, Pescara, Pisa, Marrakech, Tangier, Eindhoven, Krakow, Poznan, Wroclaw, Funchal, Bilbao, Antwerp, Brussels, Brno, Pardubice, NIce, Paris, Dusseldorf, Hahn, Karlsruhe Baden Baden, Leipzig-halle, Memmingen, Nürnberg, Paderborn, Cork, Newcastle, Bournemouth, Bristol, Derby, Farnborough, Manises, Geneva, Zurich, Belfast
What proportion of flights to Gerona Airport arrive on time?
47 flights (81.03%) flights arrived on time to Gerona Airport. (March 2024)
What proportion of flights to Gerona Airport are late/delayed?
10 flights (March 2024)
What proportion of flights to Gerona Airport were cancelled?
1 flights (1.72%) flights to Gerona Airport were cancelled. (March 2024)
What proportion of flights arrived On Time, Late or were Cancelled for airlines operating at Gerona Airport?
The arrival status of flights to Gerona Airport segmented by Airline are listed here...Ryanair: On Time 74.14%, Ryanair: Late 15.52%, Swiss Air-Ambulance: On Time 1.72%, Valair: Late 1.72%, VistaJet: On Time 1.72%, Cavok Air: On Time 1.72%, Hibernian Airlines: On Time 1.72%, Ryanair: Cancelled 1.72%